Drive to the castle!

Lena's eyes snapped open, she sat up with a start. Beads of perspiration trickled down her forehead and strands of her hair were plastered on her face. She rubbed the sides of her head, for some reason, her heart thumped, it best faster than usual. Could it be because of the dream she just had? 

"You are finally awake?" Lena heard a familiar voice and she raised her head. She looked at Eloisa who was packing her bag. 

"Mm," Lena nodded and swept back the hair plastered across her face. 

"You had a bad dream?" Eloisa threw her a look and arched her brows. 

Lena's lashes trembled, she lowered her gaze and closed her eyes tightly. 

"I don't know..." She muttered.