Prince Rexton.

"Your Royal Highness, Prince Rexton is here to see you!" A guard reported causing the Queen to snap out of her thoughts. She raised her head and gave a small unenthusiastic nod

"Let him in," She voiced. 

"There is no need for that, I am here already" a voice rang into the room at that moment. 

The queen had only just finished speaking when she heard this, she raised her head and caught sight of the young man who strode Into her palace like he owned the place.

His appearance was both fresh and haughty. In contrast to the woman's indifferent expression, he wore a smug expression, he had the embodiment of the arrogance of a prince. His blue eyes matched that of the woman sitting on the throne and he was equally as handsome as he was. His presence made the maidens in the room blush and shiver at the same time. He was an existence that lowly slaves like them couldn't reach. They could only fawn over his beauty from afar and tremble for his ruthlessness.