Is She... The Healer?

The Dark Organization. 

"Young Lord!" The group of men in the hall bowed their faces to the ground at the arrival of a young man who was heavily dressed in dark color and a black cloak that trailed behind him. The young man emitted a cold and violent aura that made everyone in the hall shiver. His face was hidden beneath a grey mask that cover half of his face. 

The young lord strolled to the high chair in the room and took his sit nonchalantly. The stifling atmosphere did not get any better even after the young man had taken his position. 

"Rise" a deep melodious voice rang into the room. The people became stiff, they slowly raised their heads and glanced at the young man who was sitting on the Lord's throne. He seems to fit in the position properly. Of course, he was the prince of their organization. No one knew if the dark organization could rise again through him and complete its agenda of attaining the power of the world.