
In Rockefeller's villa, an area in the city where May stayed with her father and stepmother, May's father stood across the room while his body leaned slightly against his wife. He raised his brows and fixed a disbelieving gaze at his daughter who also looked at him with her stubborn eyes.

"You troublesome child, will you ever not listen to me?" The man uttered with a high of sadness in his eyes, his fingers tightened and his body shook softly. He just hated having such episodes with his daughter but he could not help it. He was unsure of the results but he wanted to give it a try. If he made her find a man before they find her, perhaps she would be protected this time...

"Dad, don't you get it?! I don't want to date anyone yet! And, for goodness sake, it is not just what you think! I just haven't found anyone that I am interested in, alright?" May voiced indignantly. She tried hard to breathe properly through her nose but she was simply too vexed to do so.