His Plans.

May snuck her phone into her pocket and walked out of the room. Just as she opened the door, she was stunned to see Carl standing a few steps away. His back was turned to her and his hand was raised to his ear supporting his phone as he answered a call. 

She took a few steps closer and watched him closely, she could not help but think he was really a beautiful man. She was truly appreciative of his beauty and just as Lena said, she used to have a serious crush on him when they were younger. I mean, who would not love such a godly face? Seeing that his call was coming to an end, she snapped out of her reverie and stood straight. She pulled a tiny smile to her face and cleared her throat. 

"Hey," she said. 

"Oh, you are here already, I was just about to call you to come down on my mother's instruction" Carl explained with a smile.