Do Not Tell.

"Royal father, I really can't hold it in anymore! I think it is best if we inform big brother about his missing princess consort! Royal father, it's going to be three days since her disappearance tomorrow. What if we really don't find her until big brother returns? What are we going to say to him then?!" Princess Adelheidi uttered in exasperation. 

King Adrienne let out a long sigh, he rubbed his forehead and pinched the bridge of his nose. He was obviously also very concerned about the matter. He had already dispelled all the special forces of the kingdom to curb around but all of their efforts had been to no avail. 

If he said he was not tired, he would be telling a huge lie. His wrinkled eyes and the strands of grey hair sticking out of his dark hair is an evidence of his worry. He was confused himself, whether to inform his son about this incident or whether he should search for his daughter a little more before his son arrives.