You Belong To Me!

"There is indeed a barrier" 

The enchantress pulled her hand away from the wall and said.

Seeing his cold expression, he parted her lips and added, "It is a dark force field".

She tilted her body and glanced at Alexandro while she waited for his next instruction. 

Alexandro's face sank, his face grew ten times shades darker and devoid of any form of emotions. He threw a look at the wall and ground his teeth. It was indeed a sly move to have a hideout in such a place, it was a messy trick that not anyone could know about. 

He could not help but fox a cold gaze at the particular spot. He could remember when he was younger, the place was an ordinary tunnel and since the time of war was over, anyone hardly knew about the place so, who could create a barrier in the place? They must be a secret room or so there, right?