
Lena took more sips from her juice while she let her thoughts roam about other things aside from the man's presence. Then, a thought popped into her mind and she raised her head. 

"Uhm... Alexandro, this news... Did the king and queen know about it yet?" She questioned.

Knowing the relationship between the Queen and the second Prince, she could not help but be concerned after knowing about the death of the prince. He was truly evil but if the mother found out about his death and that it was Alexandro who killed him... Fearing what might happen later, her fingers froze around her cup. 

Alexandro was not as concerned as she was as he merely threw a glance at her and answered nonchalantly, "the king knows already. As for the Queen, she should be finding out soon or, she might have already found out judging by how effective her men around the palace are" he uttered and snorted coldly.