
He was not given a chance to speak as her tender lips tangled with his. He was stunned, unable to wrap his head around what was happening for a split second. Despite her amateurish skills, the warmth of her tongue swept across his lips and knocked him right into his sense. 

His sense awakened and a rush of heat aroused his body. He reached out and pushed her away gently. It was the first time she was taking initiative to be intimate with him, he should be happy but, he was confused instead. 

He stared into her green eyes and probed them, "Lena, what are you doing?" He could not help but ask. 

Lena's orbs were misty, she ran her tongue over her lower lip and parted her lips, "help me, Alex..." She let out a soft whimper.

Alexandro's heart skipped a beat, even her voice could fuel the heat within him, as much as he felt that he would soon lose his rationality, he held back and maintained a reasonable distance from her.