Won't Let You Off.

Meanwhile, in the Queen's palace, she stood in the middle of her room with her face seething with all shades of anger, broken pieces of ceramic vases, and all delicate decorations in the room were scattered around.

Some maids knelt in one corner, their faces were lowered and their bodies trembled out of fear. They wished for nothing more than to be excused from the room. 

The door was suddenly opened from outside and the Queen's personal guard strode in with a menacing cold expression on his face. He walked directly to the queen and bowed wordlessly. 

"Gerald, I want him dead!" The Queen seethed with gritted teeth and the atmosphere of the room became colder. 

The guard called Gerald threw a cold glance at the Queen and stepped away from her. A frown broke out on his frozen face while looked at the Queen. 

"It is not possible" the guard casually uttered.