Maybe A Mistake.

A guard walked into the hall and sauntered towards the young man sitting on the high chair at the extreme end of the hall. He reached the young man and bent his body in a deep bow. 

"Young Lord!" The guard greeted him with deep respect, he lowered his head and did not dare to look at the young man on the high chair. 

The young man on the chair looked down and gave a small nod in response. "What is it?" He asked calmly. 

"Lord Darius is here, he seeks your presence" the guard uttered. 

"Oh, let him in" the young man instructed and flicked his wrist. The guard nodded and walked out immediately. Soon, another young man walked, he had a gentle smile on his face as he approached the man on the chair. 

"Brother," the young man named Darius voiced as he reached the young lord.

"Darius, what brings you here?" The young Lord queried and threw a look at the young man.