Wait For Me.

By the time Lena finally woke up, it was late noon. Her lashes fluttered as she opened her eyes gently. The first thing she did was look at the other side of the bed and as expected, the man was laying beside her and also peering at her back into her eyes. 

"Awake?" Alexandro whispered. 

Hearing his deep melodious voice, a chord struck in her heart and she blushed. She nodded her head in response and let out a soft, "mm". 

"It's late already, you must be hungry. Will you get up now or do you want me to bring the food to you?" Alexandro questioned.

"There is no need, I will go up by myself," Lena said and pulled her body into a sitting position. Her body felt very revitalized after the long sleep. 

Alexandro did not disagree, he helped her up, and together, they climbed down from the bed. Lena changed into a casual dress and combed her hair. The two walked hand-in-hand out of the room.