Sweeter Than Honey.

Alexandro was pleased, sweetness filled his heart, he placed his palm on her face and caressed her cheeks lovingly as if it was a delicate antique he could not bear to lose. 

"Lena...." He mumbled gently. His voice created a ripple in her heart. The feeling spread all over her body and engulfed her with the power of love. 

Lena had no idea when she moved her hands that were wrapped around his neck and she clutched his shirt tightly. It was as though she never wanted to let him go.

Indeed, the feeling was mutual, Alexandro did not want to let go of her either. At that moment, they did not say anything, just peering into each other's eyes. Their eyes reflected the emotions of their heart. Their soul connected, they felt tied with a bond that would last forever. They felt like one, they become whole. 

So, this is what being in love means...