Let Us Meet.

"...No one knows better than you, my king that it would be wrong for the Queen's position to be empty. If you chose not to let me, I might wonder if I have also been ripped out of my position in the kingdom" she uttered coldly.

For a second, Lena thought the Queen's cold eyes pierced right through her and she narrowed her eyes. She was not the one who killed her son and neither was she the one who banished her into her chamber, alright. Lena snorted inwardly, in fact, it was her son who really deserved to die for being evil!

When the king heard the Queen's words, he was about to really rip her off her position in his anger when an announcement came from outside the room. 

"The Young Lord has arrived!" 

As soon as the king heard this, he forgot about the Queen and fixed his gaze on the door. Queen Morgania saw this as an opportunity and walked directly to her position with a satisfied smile gracing her lips.