I Love You, Sister.

"Did you hear that, your majesty? The Queen attempted to murder the guest of the imperial family, threatened the first prince and his wife, and soiled the royal family. These offenses are punishable by death" 

"Morgania!" The king erupted in anger instantly and the woman froze. 

"My king!" 

"Guards, bring this woman away!" The king ordered. 

"No, your highness! I have been framed! They are all lying, I did nothing wrong! My king!" The Queen voiced helplessly, she reached out to grab the king's robe but she was pushed away by one of the guards closest to the king. 

King Adrienne shot a look at the woman and glared icicles at her. It was enough that her son first did something of that sort and now, the mother was doing the same thing! A pair of useless mother and son! If he had known they were like that in the past, he would have kicked them out of the kingdom. He could not help but wonder if they had done other things behind his back.