No Escape.

"Sister-in-law, I am going to miss you..." Princess Adelheidi muttered, she sobbed gently and dabbed her teary eyes with an handkerchief. Her eyes was obviously red, it was the evidence of how much she had cried. 

Lena hugged the princess helplessly, she heaved a sigh and patted the princess's back. Since the princess found out that she would be leaving, she had cried and cried and refused to be comforted. Lena who had never seen the process act that way before was quite helpless and she found herself in a difficult spot. All she could do was console the princess with words but that does not even help. 

"Princess, don't be like this, everyone is watching you" Lena uttered in exasperation but the princess ignored her and only cried harder. She blew her nose into the handkerchief and sob louder. Lena sighed and pinched the space between her brows.