We Meet Again Bestie.

Lena peered open her eyes in a daze, her lashes fluttered softly and her eyes whisked around the corner of the room. For a moment, she could not tell where exactly she was until the realization set in and she sat up. 

She turned around and saw that the other side of the bed was empty, she could still feel the slight warmth emanating from the quilt which was an indication that someone was laying in that part of the bed a while ago. 

A smile crept up to her face and she brushed her ruffled hair behind her ear. She yawned and tugged the quilt away from her body. She reached for her phone on the bedside table and tapped the screen. She was surprised to see that it was another day already. 

Lena gasped, she had not imagined that she would sleep for that long. He rubbed her forehead and at that same moment, her stomach let out a small noise filled with grievance. 

Ah, she was hungry!