At Your Service.

"May, do you have anything to do this evening?"

Lena asked as she dropped a piece of newly cut stone on the table. The ray of the sun poured into the room through the panel window and bounced on the stone, it brightened and Lena smiled in satisfaction. She took a step back, brushed away the strands of hair hanging on her forehead, and looked in the direction of her best friend. 

May arched her brows thoughtfully before she shook her head, "I might be busy, why do you ask?" She answered. 

"It is okay, I just thought we could hang out tonight," Lena answered, she remembered that Alexandro going on a brief trip and might not return until the next day. 

May mouth an "oh" and then reached out to pick the stone that Lena just polished. The stone is a Green Beryl Russian emerald, and its soft spearmint green color is attributed to the humble nature of the jewel.