
"What do you mean cannot be found?!" May's father yelled at the inspector whose face furrowed with confusion, the man ruffled his gray hair and tapped his walking stick against the ground incessantly. 

It's been an hour and more since it was reported to him that his daughter did not reach home. He had long cherished his daughter since she was a child and this was the first time he received such news about her.

Ever since he lost his wife, his daughter had been all he could think about. He did not hesitate to give her all of his love and despite their misunderstanding at times, she was still all he care about the most in his entire life. 

He sat back into the chair with a flop looking lifeless and helpless, he seemed to have aged ten times his real age just from the stress of looking for his daughter. Even the woman beside him was lost as to how to comfort him.