Chapter 19

Logan looked at Plumeria, who was feeling embarrassed.

"Looks like you inherited that naughtiness from your father." he said and laughed.

She gave him an embarrassed smile.

"Oh, she was mischievous alright." Levi said, looking at her.

She looked at him with a frown when he agreed with them.

"What did I do to you?" she asked him because she didn't remember her past with him.

"A lot and I feel offended that you don't remember the things you did to me." Levi told her, feeling offended that she didn't remember it. "I used to be afraid of wall lizards and one time you thought that it would be a fun idea, so you caught one and chase me around the house with it." he shook his head disappointedly.

"Oh, I remember it. Wait a second. I think that I might have a video of it here." Ella told them and started searching her phone's gallery. After a while, she found it. "There it is." she said and laughed as she gave her phone to Plumeria.

Plumeria took it and played the video. Levi joined her as well to see the video.

In the video, she was running after Levi while holding a lizard in her hand and he was running away from her while crying and screaming for his life.

"Vivi! It doesn't do anything! Even if it bites, it doesn't hurt one bit!" Plumeria told her, running after him.

"I don't care! Just stop chasing me with that thing!" Levi cried.

Behind the camera, his mother was laughing while recording them, but that was until Levi ran in her direction with Plumeri running behind him. Both Ella and Levi ran away from her while screaming. The video ended.

"I was scared out of my wits when you ran in my direction. It took me a lot of persuading before you finally agreed to leave that lizard outside." Ella told her and let out a troubled sigh.

"And in the end you were eating the cake in my room so peacefully after traumatizing me and mom." Levi told her while looking at with arms crossed over his chest.

Plumeria looked at him with the most innocent smile she could manage.

"Are you still afraid of lizards?" she asked him innocently.

He looked at her, annoyed when he realized what she was thinking.

"Why should I tell you?" he asked her.

"Oh well, I'll find out for myself, eventually. But you know I actually forgot about it. Now that I know about it, you just gave me an upper hand." She told him with an innocent smile.

"You dare?" he asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes. Yes, I do." she told him.

Everyone laughed at her reply.

"She's a fierce one alright. I'll pray for your life after she becomes your wife, son." Logan told him.

"I'm pretty sure that I can tame her." He told his father and looked at Owen. "No offense, though."

"None taken because you see, you may be able to tame a lion, but you'll never be able to tame a woman." Owen told him and got a slap on the arm from Emily.

Everyone laughed as Emily looked at her husband with a scowl on her face.

Levi smirked internally.

'With the things that I'm going to put her though, she'll even lick my boots if I tell her to.' he thought, looking at Owen.

"In the light of the new information I received." Levi said and looked at his parents. "Can I not get married then?"

He decided to play along to not make them doubt his intentions. He wanted to make them trust him so he could break their trust just like how they broke his.

"Absolutely not. I want to have a grandchild." Ella told him. "And even though she is mischievous, I would rather have her as my daughter-in-law, or I won't have one at all."

"Mom, you know what?" Levi asked her.

"What?" she asked.

"The second option isn't so bad either." he told her. "That way you won't have to deal with a daughter-in-law at all."

Ella looked at Logan with a scowl on her head.

"Do something about your son." she told her husband.

"He's your son as well." Logan told him.

"If he doesn't marry her, then he won't be and you won't be living in the house anymore." She threatened him.

Logan looked at her, dumbfounded, while Owen and Emily laughed quietly.

"Don't worry about it, my love." Logan told her, and patted the back of her hand. "I'll tie him on the wedding day if I have to and put a gun on his head to make him say his 'I do's.' I don't want to get in trouble with you."

"Wow, so you're basically going to sell your son out?" Levi asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"For your mother, yes." He told him.

The room was filled with laughter as Levi shook his head, pretending to be disappointed.

Ella let out a sigh.

"She is not that mischievous, you know." Ella told him. "In fact, she always had you back. Don't you remember?"

Levi frowned a little.

"Oh, yes. I remember whenever you got bullied at school, she would always stand up for you." Logan told her.

"She was always a kind child, but whenever she saw someone, she saw someone hurting the person she cared about. She would become a ferocious lioness." Ella told him with a smile.

Plumeria was surprised at the things they said about her. She didn't realize they thought this good about her.

"She's been there for you more times than you can count, son. I guess she inherited that from her parents." Logan told him and looked at Emily and Owen with a smile because they had helped him out a lot when they were younger and he knew that if they would ever get in trouble again, then they would help him again without any hesitation.

"And besides, you were the one who told us that you were going to marry her when you grew up and become a good person." Ella reminded him.

"A real man doesn't go back on his words." Logan told her.

Levi lifted his hand in defeat.

"Okay, okay. Jeez. I was just joking, and you guys got all serious." Levi told them.

"But of course, if in the end, if you think that you won't be happy together in marriage, then we won't force it on you." Owen told them.

Ella nodded.

"It's true that we want you to get married, but if you two get married to only make us happy and not have a happy life with each other, then we would never be able to forgive ourselves." She told them.

Plumeria sighed in relief internally. She was afraid that she was going to ruin their friendship if she didn't agree to this marriage because she thought that they were like those other rich families who would marry their child off for business purposes, but they were so much nicer people.

"But date for a few months and if you think that staying as friends is better for you two then we won't push you in any further." Emily told Plumeria and Levi to which they agreed.

From the corner of his eyes, Levi spotted a person standing outside eavesdropping on their conversation.

"If you're going to eavesdrop on us, then you might as well come in." He said in a loud and clear voice.