The real message is hidden

Tang Zhaodang hugged Xu Zifan tightly and soon, they withdrew from the hug. He put his hands on his shoulders. "Friend, you are alive and safe! I missed you and Xu Zuwen. Where is he?" He asked and turned around. However, he didn't find anyone except for Li Hua and a new face, which he was unaware of.

His eyes briefly met Li Hua's, and he immediately lowered them. "Greetings to Her Highness. I am glad to see her," Tang Zhaodang said, keeping a tiny smile on her lips.

He turned to look at Xu Zifan when he finally realized that his right arm wasn't present. "What happened to your arm?" Tang Zhaodang asked.

"The person who attacked Xu Zifan that night cut his right limb," Lóng Wei replied, and sat on the chair and pulled Li Hua down beside him. He looked at Eunuch Qian He and asked him to give him water.