I will overthrow the King

Lóng Wei held Yuze's body and asked him to wake up. "Yuze, I will listen to you. Whatever you will ask me to do, I will do. Please wake up. If you want me to fight for the good, I will do that. But do not scare me this way," Lóng Wei said and shook him. The tears continued to pour down his eyes as he kept requesting Yuze to wake up. 

Lóng Wei lowered his head and felt miserable. "You cannot leave me like this, Yuze. You promised me that you would be with me all the time. Please, I beg you. Listen to me like you always did." He rested his hand on Yuze's chest. The heartbeat he could not feel. Though he had noticed how cold Yuze's body was, he was not ready to accept that Yuze left him this way.