Mister Mighty

"Are you crying?" He approached her and sat at her bedside.

Avyanna tried to hide her face from him, "I-I wasn't."

"Then why do tears fall from your beautiful eyelids like waterfalls?" he softly asked.

"I...just..." slowly she handed her phone to him, he browsed the comment section as his eyes were seemingly annoyed and her forehead furrowed.

"Leave them be." He placed the phone by the drawer at the bedside. He patted her head and kissed it lightly.

"Eat your breakfast." he reminded her, he went out of the room, and as soon as he died, his forehead creased. Irked his expression was, he clenched his fist and grunted.

Avyanna could only sigh heavily after the negative comments reached her ears and it was such a harsh melody that it would someday ruin the drums of it.

She lazily stood up, and neglecting those thoughts, she headed for the kitchen. On the window, she saw the car leaving and Myrto was wearing his uniform. Since the shade of the car window was rather dark, deciphering Narcester inside would be a difficulty. 

The maids started to prepare breakfast for her when Dana stormed in. "Hey, sister-in-law!" She greeted me cheerfully.

She headed to where she was, to the kitchen. "Hmm? What's cooking?"

She closed her eyes, smelling fragrant from the dishes. "We're cooking fries for Mrs. Thaddeus's snack."

"Some queen you are, Avie," she said, picking up a small portion of meat from a plate and eating them.

She sat in front of her and looked her in the eyes. "You cried?" she asked.

"N-No, it was nothing."

She hid her face away from her. "Your beautiful face will get ruined when you always cry."

"I-I'm not even...beautiful. I have a lot of off-flaws," she replied with a stammer.

Dana frowned.

"Avyanna, look me in the eyes." She spoke austerity. Avyanna raised her head to her. With those sharp eyes of hers was her figure. It was a wonderful reflection that she continued denying over and over again.

She would always forget to look at her reflection in the mirror because when she thought to do so, her father's voice muscles in her head. "You don't need to see your average face!" And that itself made her lose the battle with her insecurities.

Friends may tell you a lot of hurtful and bashful words, perhaps, you might call them cruel for doing so, but the knives your parents throw every time they speak ill of their own will hurt the most.

Avyanna was a witness to that, she will testify if she has to. Deeply embedded in Dana's were the hidden pieces of her beauty tucked and unbroken like it never shattered, like how it was good as new. But what would her father say? Would she look the same in his eyes the way she looked in Dana's perception?

She hoped so and those hopes were high up in the clouds, anticipating that her father would. "Darling..."

She looked at her, Avyanna could see those affectionate eyes glimmer at her. "Beautiful things were never perfect."

She was astonished, why? Why do the words of these people warm her heart like it burns her heart? Why was it so easy for them to light her burden?

"Anyways! I'm here to guide you around the resort! Narcy told me to assist you in naming the resort." She instantly changed her mood.

"Naming the resort?" she wondered.

"Yeah, do you think it sounds lame to be called "Resortsville"? I don't like it. It's too ordinary."

"O-Oh...I see."

"Hurry up, Avie! There's no time to waste! We gotta smack the face of that Felicity bitch!" she yelled with aggression.


"You know...that bitch clinging on my brother's arm..." she rolled her eyes, signing that she never liked the person.

"She looked sweet though. They would fit together...Narcester and that girl." she said.

Their eyes widened as if she was enraged, Dana started to fire up. "The only place she can fit in is a coffin! Why do you like that annoying woman?" she complained.

"Dana, you're too aggressive. I can see her sincerity in liking Narcester. She's kind too. All that is left is just me getting out of the way." she smiled.

Dana was speechless.

"I'm always a puzzle here, you know. An extra piece of the puzzle that no one would figure out where to fit."

Dana can just feel pity. Going through that childhood with the sickening grip of a father, she must be suffering so much that she won't even believe her worth.

"Avie...Do you suppose Narcester signed the contract to just help?" Dana asked.

"I can't find any motive around Narcester, he's very unpredictable. I do know that there was little benefit to him. The only benefit is that he has a wife, a wife to show up at dinner parties. I heard how he struggles not to get hit on by women. So I reckon, he is using me as a figure to block those women into ruining his peaceful time."

Dana looked at her. "That's too little of a benefit to interest him. Though let's wait until he says it himself," she said which left Avyanna confused.

"Eat and we'll leave after your preparation." She stood up and went out of the kitchen.

She sat down on the couch, feet crossed, and she scrolled through her phone. Amidst all that, a certain notification popped up from a subscribed channel.


Dana was confused, she was astonished. Before entering, she found the clip the same as what Avyanna found just recently but all of a sudden, it slowly timbered.

{FeatherHeights News Studio has been standing in the news industry for almost thirty-five years. It had brought successful news throughout the country and even outside the borders. It has this ability and potential to reach the world as it slowly faded. Featherheights News Studios' CEO, Juvenayle Athmos had announced bankruptcy after curating a new bring of news early in the morning.}

A small-sized picture of the President showed up as her audio recording started to be played. 

[This is Juvenayle Athmos, I am very glad that up till now, support continues to cater to us. Due to difficulties on our site, we are announcing bankruptcy. It was a wrong move to release such news. We are also very irresponsible to let the comments come through, break the barriers, and cross the line. We are glad that we have given our full services to you.}

Dana was doubtful, she just nodded her head after the realization hit her headline with a metal beam. She just can't imagine how far this would go. "Mister Mighty...." she whispered to herself and snickered.

"That's my brother."