For Her Own Good

Jorna just came to their room a moment ago and told Antoine, Brianna, and Crian that in two hours, they will already come down for dinner. As they were waiting for the time by resting, Brianna was distracted as she was about to process the breakup she had with her boyfriend.

Days before they were invited, Brianna was in a relationship and then her boyfriend wanted to break things up between them when she just expressed her feelings towards him. It was a shock to her because she didn't expect that just by being honest, she was left behind when in the first place, the guy told her that he can't imagine not breaking up with her.

Since Brianna is also close with her ex's friend, she was venting to him about what she feels towards the breakup even though it happened days ago. She texted the guy through Whatsapp.


Hi, Leill~ I just want to like… vent my sadness this morning.