This Woman...

"Oh, Amon… I feel stupid." Lilith sighed, now more tears escaping her eyes. "I want so bad to look at you… I want to see you so badly."

"I know." Amon understood, now kissing the top of Lilith's head as she put her hands on his shoulders. 

"Amon… I wanna see you."

"I know…" Amon patted her back continuously, allowing her to cry her frustrations on his chest. 

"I want to look into your eyes…"

"I know."


"I know."

"Damn it… I want to."

"Hush… I know." 

He kissed the top of her head once more, not wanting to tell her that he felt the same. He really felt the same that he wanted to look straight into her eyes but they both know they just couldn't.

"I'm sorry, Lilith." His voice broke. "I really am."
