What? A Handsome Man?

Along the way to Euclid village, I passed by a group grinding some monsters along the vast grass field. Mostly the youth who couldn't wait to try out their newly found powers.

Well . . . they were not really monsters. More like animals with weird features like horns or fangs and sharp claws. They were kinda cute, though.

I felt kind of pity for them. They were minding their business when suddenly a group attacked them out of nowhere. It was a good thing that I was not motivated to grind since I wouldn't get any EXP.

Though the drops . . .

Come to think of it. Are monsters going to attack if they see me?

I made sure to stay on the dirt path between the vast plain of grass on one side and the lush forest on the other side.

Wait . . . can we attack each other?

That's bad news. I was never confident with my fighting skills.

Come to think about it. How do we fight here?

So that meant . . . bad news for me since all I knew were brawls.

I ignored it.

I was curious, so I stopped and took a look. Mostly, the others swung their daggers and avoided the monster's attack. While others just cast their spells and skills, and I was amazed when a fire actually came out from their staff.

Apparently, the dagger and staff were the basic weapons after the class selection. And since the system gave my class, I didn't have a free weapon or armor to equip.

. . . I don't understand a word that you said.

Who told you that I wanted to spank a girl's butt?! And what do you mean weakness?

That's . . . advance thinking. I couldn't deny it as I imagined it happening in my head.

I might have been dreaming about it, but I don't want to go and spank a girl's butt out of nowhere in order for me to get used to it! That would label me as a creep!

Not to mention a slap on the face. I would really be lucky if that were all I'd get.

I didn't even think about doing it on Soarsie because . . . that's just disrespectful and plain rude.

. . . Unless of course, if she wanted me to . . .

. . . Is that so?

I shook my head.

I don't want it!

Talking to the system was taking years off my life.

My dead eyes flung to the side as I released an audible breath. I wish that day would never come.



My attention was stolen by a man who was soloing a wolf in the forest's side. The wolf wasn't big, but it was still scary.

Amazing. I thought as I observed him draw his dagger and slash it against his opponent. His movement was precise and practiced, and I bet he knew how to fight. He must be a martial arts expert or a sword practitioner in the real world.

It was evident from the way he held his blade and his graceful attacks like he was dancing in the air.

I wonder what his attributes were. I wanted to know since the wolf was . . . rather slow. Though it looked scary, I could follow its movement and predict its next attack.

Was it because of my attributes?

I thought so.

I never finished high school, but I did pick up a life skill in my jobs at ordinary stores. It was calculating orders using the brain. In my line of work, I had to be fast in taking orders and calculating costs. Every second counts when customers line outside waiting in impatience for their items.

It was not even a second when they said their orders, and they'd immediately asked about the entire cost of their purchase.

Using mental computation, with the bonus EXP, everyone should have their attributes below 10. If there was higher than 10, then that meant that the other attributes were low.

As for me, all my ATP were already passed 10 except for my LCK, which was 10.

Then that meant . . . my face lit up. I could probably kill that wolf with a punch.

The man's dagger pierced the wolf's heart, and the wolf shattered into particles leaving drops of rewards on the ground.

Oh . . . there isn't actually blood. There wasn't even a gory part.

". . ."


My attention was flung to the fight when the man finished his enemy off. The dagger disappeared in his hand, and he faced the screaming ladies with a sparkling face while the background dimmed.

"You girls okay?" he said with a dazzling smile. His shoulder-cut golden hair was tied behind his back and a pair of striking blue eyes were mesmerizing on his sculpted face.

He was a good fighter and handsome to boot. I bet he'd instantly become famous in the future.

I heard one of the women call his name.


Even his name sounded manly and handsome.

Being handsome is my least priority right now. I wanted to gather EXP and increase my ATP as soon as possible and find my family and Soarsie if they were here.

But the system was interfering with me. How would I gather EXP and increase my ATP without doing its ridiculous quests?

*sigh . . .

I grumbled under my breath and resumed onward to my destination.