Evil Village Blueprint? Tokens?

Evil Village Blueprint?


What's that?

. . . Did you ever consult me if I wanted to build one or not? Why would I even bother building a kingdom and managing its complex inner operations if I could hardly get anything done like getting a letter?

. . . I knew my heart, and I doubt it wanted to be evil and build a tyrannical kingdom that would destroy everything.

I'd rather farm and live my days in idleness.

I waved my hands and chuckled. Ain't gonna happen.

I was sure I could live somewhere secluded in peace with my family while the others were busy grinding, exploring this world, and search for a way out.

But first, I needed to find out if they were really in here . . . and alive.

System, how would I know that my family is here?

Could you not just tell me if they're here?

I sighed.

At this point, even a mission would be nice so that I wouldn't search for them blindly.

*sigh . . .

‖ E V I L S Y S T E M

M A I N Q U E S T ‖

❶ Make Amara Goldstein's fall in love with you and smash her heart to pieces


+100, 000 EXP

❷ Destroy Euclid Village


+50, 000 EXP

Evil Eye

Evil Village Blueprint

S-Grade Token x 1

A-Grade Token x 1

B-Grade Token x 1

❸ Get your First Evil Minion


+10, 000 EXP

‖ E N D ‖

I didn't even want to ask about that quest.

I do agree about the extra pair of hands and disagree with everything else.

I rubbed my chin. Maybe I should defeat some monsters in the forest and make them my minion?

Come to think of it. Is there a limit to how many minions I could have?

I didn't know whether to be thankful or not.

I ignored the system and made my way towards the village chief. With that out of the way, the first thing I must do for now was to try if I could converse with the inhabitants here without being kicked to death.

And that letter from the village chief would be handy encased I wanted to go to town.

I made my way to the old man who screamed like a village chief. He was the oldest in the village, and if ever there was a leader, I was sure that it would be him.

It would be nice if this world could display the others' names and HP bar on their head. It would make a lot of things easier. But only the monsters have those on their head.

Come to think of it. System can you tell me if that is the village chief?

I thought so. It seemed like the system only had a general knowledge of things in this world. Things like the names and backgrounds of the inhabitants were hidden. Not even a character compendium in the main menu or do I have to interact with them first to get their character information stored in my library?

My dead eyes looked to the side. It was better to ignore it and move on.

I approached the elder and opened my mouth just in time to hear a conversation from the players not far from me.

"The Village chief is that young man with horse feet and donkey ears with a straw hat?"

"Yeah. I tried asking the old man, but it turned out he was just a beggar asking gill."

"Some of us were duped in thinking that he would give as a quest in turn of gill, but he just kept asking for more money without giving any quests whatsoever."

". . ." Maybe my sense of time faded, and games weren't the same as the old times when the highest authority was given to older people.

I turned and went to the young man with horse feet, hoping that he would talk to me at least and not kick me to my death.

If things get ugly . . . then I'd just have to plan my next move, which was to eat and rest my tired brain.

Talking to the system took up a lot of energy than actually getting acquainted in this world.

Nearing the young man with straw hat and donkey ears, my feet shook. I suddenly had the urge to hurl my food at the fear that he might kick me to death.

*sigh . . . how I really wish that I could see his stats to know if my ATP was enough to even survive a kick from him.

What effort are you talking about? You hardly helped me with anything except provide me basic information while forcing me to become this Evil Overlord and whatnot.

Other Isekaid I read were provided with God-tier cheats and items. But mine was a system that was forcing me to become evil in exchange for strength. If this was going to be, I ask that I be just like the others and grind my way to the top.