Hmm . . . something is strange

The next morning, we worked as usual.

I accompanied Edgar to the barn again, shielding the both of us from the rain with my umbrella. The moment we arrived, he was in a hurry to shoo me away.

"You can go now. I can take care of this. I know what to do."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Yeah." Edgar waved his hand and even pushed me out of the door. 

"Then . . ." the door slammed in my face as I uttered, ". . . see you later."

I scratched my head and was about to go to Ford and bring him to the river next, but I paused in my tracks when I suddenly realized something.

There seemed to be one chick missing.

Well, it must have been roaming somewhere, or I counted wrongly. I shrugged. I continued walking to get Ford to where he must be as soon as possible.

When we arrived at the river, I told him, "Well then, I'll leave you here. Remember to go home after two hours. If you feel itchy anywhere, then take the ointment."