A slight change of plans . . .

I had never heard of him before, but since the Token introduced itself as the God of Inventor, then who was I to question it?

"You can call me 'My Lord,'" I said and showed him the Elixir Collector Blueprint. "Can you make this?"

Tezla's monocle revolved back and forth, and after a while, he tore the Blueprint into pieces and it burst into particles.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

Tezla laughed and pointed at his head. "Don't worry, my Lord. It's all in Tezla's brain now."

He then looked around and took a breather. "Now . . . where do you want to put your Elixir Collector and its storage?"

"If I may, my Lord," Athena chimed in. "We should put it outside your house proper beyond the inner walls, so it wouldn't take up space in here. Also, it could serve as another layer of protection to your TH since its HP is also enormous."