Yuko . . .

"I knew you would come," Yuko said, voice echoing in through the hills. 

‖ Y U K O ‖

Name:  Yuko

Nature:  Cunning 

HP:  5 000 000

MP:  1 000 000

STR:  10 000

DEF:  50 000

MDF:  100 000

INT:  100 000

AGL:  200 000

LCK:  20 000

P A S S I V E  S K I L L S

❶ Fox Form (Passive)

– As a bonus action, Yuko can change between her fox form and Yokai form. In her Fox form, she will lose her ability to Fly but her walking speed increased. 

Her Yokai form resembled a humanoid. Her favored form is a woman with fox ears and nine fox tails. Otherwise, her statistics are identical in each form. Any equipment she is wearing or carrying is absorbed into her fox form, and she resumes wearing or carrying it when she returns to her Yokai form.

❷ Innate Spellcasting 

Yuko can innately cast the following spells, requiring only verbal components:

At will: Lightning Bolt