Huh . . . a gossiper?

Thomas wasn't convinced, though, and he even suggested. "I know. I'll treat you to meals tomorrow."

I think that he wasn't going to let this go until he made it up to me. So it was best that I would calm his mind first.

"Its fine, Thomas. I have gil with me, so I won't be getting any hungry anytime soon." I just hope that he wouldn't ask how much. 

". . . You sure?" Thomas asked on the verge of crying. 

"Yes. Trust me. I'm not that stupid to deplete all my CR without a backup plan."

Though I was an idiot to forget about the price of that boar, and attracted all this unwanted attention. 

What a great first day in here. Mind the sarcasm.

This was not my idea of being an invisible player during my stay here.

Come to think of it, most of the players here were eating vegetables and roots. The portion wasn't big, but it was enough to sate their hunger.