The Dead’s Scream . . .


Walking through that grass-covered path and into that usual courtyard at the center of the main campus, I went towards the clinic, situated just beside the admin department.

It was already eight in the evening, and most students were either in the cafeteria taking their dinner and chatting with each other or in their beds taking their early rest. 

However, there were two faculties in the school that had just started their lectures with one another. 

I even heard the 'student' groans while the 'teacher' was teaching her the ways to pleasure a man. 

I opened the door and casually let myself in. there was four bed in the clinic. Two beds on the left and two on the right, separated by an aisle at the center. There were also trays of medical equipment and potions parked on the center wall. 

The place had a strange smell. It wasn't exactly like any hospital I'd been in before. It didn't have that sterile feeling that most clinics did.