The past 1 . . .

[Amara's POV]


I was born into the upper echelon class home, and teaching began right after birth. I had the most expensive toys money could buy and over qualified nannies to keep me amused. 


I loved my nannies, though. I remembered them still. But when the job ended they left and I never saw them again. For all I knew, their smiles were fake, and they couldn't wait to get away from me. They didn't even message me or came for a visit. 


When school began with a kindly teacher and wealthy classmates, we learned through tablets, songs, and recitals. Then I went home to take dinner while mom and dad were on their evening phone call meetings. 


Each day blended into the next, and the only thing my parents ever asked me was about my grades. Not my day. Not my feelings.  Not who I was.