An Emergency Meeting . . .

As the Hunters rode towards the goblin war camp in the dead of the night, using [Stealth] to hide their presence and other magical devices lent to them by the merchant guild, they saw only a few fires burning low, clearly indicating the soon-to-be raiders of Castle Rock Town were laying low in the dead of the night. 


Within a kilometer of the camp, all predators had abandoned the area or had been slain by the goblins. 


If the merchant guild information was correct, this was where they should find the Grendelkin.


June, one of the Rank-B hunters in the area, with nearing five hundred ATP, said, "I say we attack them and set fire to their huts. That way, we won't have to deal with as many at once and hopefully take a few out as their camp burns."


Matt, another rank-B hunter, seconded, "I can use my [Control Spell] to make sure that the fire spreads to wherever huts we miss. No goblin will escape this barbecue!"