The Grendelkin . . .

The Grendelkin was already making its move, and it was throwing boulders in our direction. 


The Goblin shamans might not reach us with their spells, but it was different for the Grendelkin. The giant monster threw whatever its hands could reach. Boulders, trees, and even goblins.


"Take cover!"


Another round of boulders flew in our way. The impact of the stones against the walls quaked the castle. When the trembling stopped, the western and front battlements were reduced half to rubbles, and half the players and inhabitants stationed on this side were reduced to paste.


Our numbers were further reduced when the others deserted and ran away. I didn't know what they were going to do. Hide?


When those goblins stormed this castle, there weren't any left corners to hide. 



  "Stop that Grendelkin!"