Balaur . . .

I closed my eyes and kissed her back.


I took my time, indulgently licking her lips, biting them softly before sucking them sensually. Not before long, her little fingers found their way into my hair, pulling me closer and deepening the kiss.


Wet erotic suction sounds dance in the air as our kiss turned deeper, more intense – more passionate.


Wordlessly and with great effort, I pulled away.


Amara still embraced me tightly, panting on my chest. "Be careful."


"I will."


After Amara and the others made their way toward the Academy, I went to the Ale to finally execute my next plan. 


When I was sure that I was alone and no player was in sight, I equipped the [Evil Toothy Maw], [Mantel of Dementia], and [Demented Boots]. With the gears on me, there was no one who could recognize my face.


I then went to the Ale next.