The Beast of War . . .

"How do we do this?" I asked. 


"Give me your hand."


I did, and a claw extended from Balaur's finger and made a swift cut on my palm. He did the same to his and sealed the deal with a shake. 


Without words or any chanting and strenuous steps, our agreement was sealed with a symbol of a dragon on the back of my palm before it disappeared like it sunk into my flesh. 


"You better uphold your end of the bargain, boy, or I will tear you myself," he spat as dark metallic clouds of dust enveloped him.


I smiled.  "The name's Cross." 


And don't worry, I really plan to find this island. How else am I going to have a legion of dragons in my command if I don't?



"Stand back if you don't want to be flung a hundred meters."