Are you willing . . . ?

"The lady had spoken," I told him. "Be a gentleman and leave her alone."


Edward's veins bulged even more, and his face warped in anger. "A noob . . . dare tells me what to do? Weaklings like you don't have any right to talk to me! You have no right to even grace me with your dirty eyes!"


Well . . . there went his handsome face. 


I laughed at the absurdity of it all. The man was so angry that he couldn't think straight. 


Edward lunged forward, and I immediately pushed Amara into Thomas's way. The woman stumbled from surprise, and my ghoul steadied her to her feet and held her tight when she attempted to run in my direction. 


Edward grabbed my shirt with both hands. His fingers dug into my skin as if he were trying to tear me apart. I looked up at him. He seemed to be getting angry every second.