Shadow Forest

[Lancelot's POV]


After three days of adventuring, we were about to reach Shadow Forest. Before we entered, we decided to rest at the side of the road in a small clearing since it was nearing night time already. 


As we set up camp, I overheard Ford and Yun talking about building a bonfire.


"I'll go gather some dry wood. Yun, can you help me?" Ford asked.


"Sure thing. Let's go."


As they left, I turned to the others who were preparing dinner.


"Hey, what are we having for dinner?" I asked Nanally.


It was Francine who replied first with a sweet smile. "I'm making some stew with the vegetables we picked up on the farms earlier."


"And I'm going to fry up some fish we caught at the ocean," said Alexa. "I hope that this fish isn't rotting yet. We did catch this yesterday."


"What's the point?" Francine rebutted. "It would turn charcoal anyway."