Fallen Goblins Camp  




When we approached the encampment, we heard a desperate scream mixing with the loud chanting of the word "sacrifice" from the Goblins behind the camp's wooden wall.


In the main entrance, light from a bonfire shone through this three meter wide entrance in the wooden wall surrounding the encampment.


Two fallen goblins and a fallen hound guard the unlocked main gate to the encampment. One of the goblins was gnawing on a leg bone while listening to the others brag about why he was 'the 'mostest' of important' to the clan's shaman.


"Let's see what you've got, newbies." Rodrick grinned. I didn't like the glint in his eyes. "Go and take care of the goblins in there yourself. Make it snappy, okay? You don't want me to fail you, right?"