The Dark Stalker Matron    




The chained women, Emira (a human commoner) and Arienne (a half-elf) cried out for help when they saw us. They both suffered from exhaustion and shared the same story as Martus.


The Matron also told us that the sinister ritual was supposed to "welcome them to the sisterhood," as the dark stalkers were in the process of turning the two chained women into dark stalkers.


"We should free them," said Lilian, eyes turning into pentagrams again.


I wonder what skill she was using. She seemed to know the information of NPCs and items just from those. I wanted to have one as well. It would definitely make everything easier.


"If they die, then that's the end of the quest," Lilian continued, "We can break the chains holding them even without the key with an STR +100.