I want something

Nia walked towards the tent in a hurry. Her hands had a bowl of hot water but her heart was beating faster.

Nia could imagine what Princess Eleanor was planning to do. Although it felt a bit extreme, but Nia also knew that she wouldn't be able to push the Princess out of her thoughts.

As Nia walked towards the tent she saw Sir Kit standing outside in deep thoughts. Nia's leg paused as she took a deep breath and made up her mind to ignore the man when she heard him saying something.

"We got a letter." Sir Kit looked at Princess Eleanor's lady in waiting who was looking at him with confusion. "It's from Duke Felix."

Nia was silent before she took a deep breath. She knew that Duke Felix would write her a letter. Although Nia wanted to share her experience with Sir Kit, but she was afraid to ask him. And now that Princess Eleanor was injured there were more reasons to delay her letter.