Chapter 121

Princess Eleanor's breathing fastened when she thought about this. Her eyes were burning as she bit her lips.

'I should not be thinking about such things now. This is not the right time for any of this.' Princess Eleanor thought as her body rested on the bed. She could not bring herself to stop so Princess Eleanor decided to distract her concentration.

It was then that princess Eleanor remembered that Nia had received a letter from Duke Felix.

She did not want to read it. Once she was informed about Commander Colt when they were still at the temple, Princess Eleanor had given Nia the letter that Sir Kit had given to her.

The facial expression on Nia's face turned from happy to confused and then to happy again. Princess Eleanor was sitting on the chair and could not understand the reason for such changes. She knew that Duke Felix must have written a long letter for Nia, after all, they weren't able to write for so long now were they in a good place.