Lustful lunch

Devi snickered upon sensing the fear oozed by their bodies. The demoness looked at her food and smiled maliciously. It was significant that she could not feed on blood unlike Zoravec. However for some reason he was able to control his blood lust.

All of the squadron members stood with their eyes scrunched shut. They all waited for some kind of oneshot pain or something similar. But nothing such happened, thus one of them peeked only to see the demoness standing close to him.


He shouted reflexively upon seeing Devi' pitch black eyes staring right into his like a zoomed in camera. It scared him that the officer yelled but his voice was trailed off abruptly. It was evident what could have happened, as soon as a loud thud sound appeared everything became clear.

A shiver ran down the spines of the officers as they all whimpered like kids. It was their first time facing defeat along with witnessing the death of their chief. Thus it was a peculiar sight for Zoravec too, who enjoyed it for some reason.

It appeared he liked the violent deaths and the whole killing idea. His transformation was highly different from the previous, pre awakened form. Zoravec sat back on the bed and waited for Devi to proceed with her plan.

"You sure are a violent one, you little wild kitten."

Devi paused for a moment as a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. She was not used to such remarks and it caused a flutter within her. The demoness shook her head and shifted her gaze back at the men.

"Not like you have any problem with it."

Devi scoffed and walked closer to the rest of the men, her nails grew longer into claws. The woman wrung their necks within seconds without any hesitation. Whereas Zoravec crossed his legs and looked at the bodies which plopped on the floor.

Blood pooled down on the floor appearing like spilled red paint. Zoravec gleaned at them calmly as if he had been watching a show and enjoying it. The demoness crouched on the floor and cut the forehead of one officer. It was a small vertical, similar to what Devi had with Lyra.

"Time for food. Hehe~"

The demoness smirked and inserted her unnaturally long nail into that vertical cut. Zoravec on the other hand flinched a bit with that kind of dissection. He had no intention of looking at that gruesome sight, but it raised his curiosity regarding what Devi was trying to do.

The demoness withdrew her nail and a purple- pinkish small bead came out of the dead officer's head. It was the whole collection of the lustful memories he ever had. A gutted expression appeared on her face, she was disappointed by the size of the bead.

"Pah! He was an innocent soul it seems."

Zoravec immediately comprehended what she had been talking about. The bead was literally an item similar to USB, because it contained all the thoughts. Every lustful memory of that officer was stored into that little bead.

Devi opened her mouth and swallowed the bead without any hesitation. The sight stunned Zoravec as he widened his eyes. Since he never imagined her to literally 'eat' that little glowing thingy.

The demoness burped and glanced at him sheepishly. Whereas Zoravec smiled at her with a loving expression. Within no time the woman devoured all the bodies like that. After she was done Devi turned towards her master as she dusted off her hands.

"Seems this chief was the most horny one among them all."

The bead obtained from his head was the biggest one compared to the rest of the people. It somehow made Zoravec cringe upon recalling how he ridiculed him. He could not bring himself to forgive any of them.

How dare they harm his little demoness!? Although Zoarvec was still unsure why he felt the discomfort in his chest when Devi was killed and did not resurrect sooner. but he blamed it over the bond which he had created between them.

"Now what are we supposed to do with these mutilated bodies?"

She questioned him regarding the rest of the mess. Now Devi had fed over all the energy they had and the beheaded bodies were of no use now. The woman had no clue how her words made Zoravec happy.

The woman looked at him innocently whereas Zoravec smiled at her. He lifted his hand up and gestured Devi to come forward. As soon as she reached him, Zoarvec patted over her head like a child. The demoness was stunned by the affectionate display and immediately looked up at him.

"You are learning faster than my assumptions and efficiently."

He smirked at her and caressed her cheek with his thumb while looking in her eyes. The demoness was kneeling on the floor which was covered in blood. While Zoravec was sitting on the bed with his legs crossed.

Her pitch black eyes returned to the normal crimson shade which was an indication that her lust hunger was satiated. The demoness looked at her master in confusion regarding the sudden soft gesture. She could not comprehend any reason why he would bestow his attention over her out of nowhere.

Especially after such a gruesome scene.

"We, huh? So you have already accepted us as a team."

Zoravec repeated her words which made him happy regarding the whole situation. She made an O shaped face upon contemplating what was the core cause of his affection. The woman waited for his further instructions which could help her in understanding what to do with the bodies now.

"Of course, master. You are the one to resurrect me. It would be my honour to serve you with my heart, soul and body."

Devi gave a dramatic speech which brought a smile to his face as he was pleased by her. Although Zoravec was not sure himself what to do with the bodies. He thought for a moment before speaking, Devi on the other hand waited patiently.