Perfect moment

[Continuation of previous chapter]

The very next day Devi headed towards the front lawn of the house from where she could see the door of Kate's house. She waited for dawn knowing that Kate will definitely go out somewhere like morning walk. And that was the moment when Devi had to bump into her and initiate a conversation.

"I have to hurry before she gets out of the house. Can't risk losing her."

Devi immediately brushed her hair with her fingers and headed towards the main gate of the house. She had no idea when Kate would come out, Devi was solely betting on the hunch she had about the whole situation.

'Why isn't she coming out? Argh, I can smell her scent. She is awake now.'

Devi concluded from the strong lustful scent she could smell at that moment. It was the result of Kate's wet dream which involved Zoravec. Of course. Kate had been dreaming about sharing a bed with him ever since her family shifted there.