Setting the ground

Zoravec grasped his senses when Kate stepped back after picking up the paper bags. Her scent started to grow faint as she ebbed and hurriedly gathered the remaining bags. Whereas Zoravec offered his help upon seeing the gorgeous lady in front of him. It was not because he was genuinely concerned about Kate but he wanted to confirm her scent.

"Oh, here. Let me help you."

He leaped towards her to pick up the paper bags and glanced a few stares at Kate. The woman did not expect that and smiled upon his actions. Kate grew happy that finally Zoravec looked at her even though it took a lot of time for it to happen. But she was happy with whatever she got at that moment.

"That's so nice of you. Thank you."

Kate replied to him as she took the paper bags from his hand, their skin touched and it sent a spark down his spine. Zoravec knew what it meant since he experienced the same thing with Devi. Somehow he was able to remember all those scents and distinguished between them