
Meanwhile on the other hand Devi was going through another kind of phase. The demoness took Simon's unconscious body with her reluctantly. But now she had to find some spot to dispose of it, which would be far away from the school premises. She made sure to do the task authentically acknowledging how Zoravec's anger would turn out. 

The demoness went out of the city, the portal appeared out of the city area. She had opened the portal in some place which was deserted and there was nothing around. The black smoke appeared and Devi walked out of that hollow circle. The dust particles near the gateway scattered a bit when the portal shoved the wind.

There was nothing around her except sand on both sides of the road. Devi could see the buildings a few miles away. The city area was still far away and it was the best place to dispose of the body. And since Simon was unconscious and practically a mute now, he would not be able to narrate whatever happened to him.