Strange hand

Zoravec walked hurriedly throughout the corridor, and headed out of the school in a jiffy. William knew he was hiding a lot of things from him and the people around him. But the only thing which concerned and intrigued him was his powers. The cop knew something which perhaps was not in Zoravec' knowledge. And it made him appear even more dangerous than he already was.

'I have to hurry up and pay a visit to Kate. Gosh, I never knew I would meet her again so soon.'

Zoravec took bigger steps as he went ahead towards the exit of the school. He knew that William would definitely go and testify to his words from Kate. In that case he was required to approach her first and ensure that she would not say anything else.

The other students were walking out of the school when he bumped into someone at the entrance of the ground. Zoravec did not really bother to look twice at the person because his mind was clouded by something else. 

"I'm sorry. I was in a hurry…I am sorry."