Be my girlfriend, Kate

Zoravec lifted her face and looked at Kate with his crimson glowing eyes. He intended to know more about what Kate was planning to do ahead. After all, it was the perfect time for him to ask about the girlfriend part. Because now they both had already shared intimacy and it provided Zoravec the perfect moment to ask her.

Kate on the other hand looked at him with a soft gaze. She could not fathom that Zoravec had finally shared an intimate bond with her. Although she had wanted more from him, something more than that. Kate had always wished to feel his thick cock inside herself, but Zoravec stopped just there after making her cum.

He also gained the perk of getting a free blowjob from Kate, which had served right for his thick boner. Zoravec's dick returned to its soft form and he could go out now without fearing of being seen in that embarrassing state. But he seized the chance to ask Kate what he wanted, the woman on the other hand was sitting on the floor.