Devi's emotional trap

As soon as Zoravec stepped out of the house he halted in front of the door. He was sure that Devi was around him, somewhere hiding in the trees since she was good with the vanishing spell. Zoravec stood there silently and inhaled deeply while trying to figure out where she could be.

It was not a tough deal for him to sense her aura and presence, Zoravec waited for her to appear in front of him. However, he took some moments to figure out that he could call her. After all, they both had some kind of connection which helped them connect through telepathy.

[I know you are here, Devi. Come out.] - Zoravec

He knew that the demoness was around and was keeping an eye on him. The lustful aura which oozed from Kate and Zoravec while they had the little foreplay was absorbed by her. It was obvious that the demoness should be around in order to do it. Because the mana from others could only be absorbed within a certain radius.